Identity Theft – Protecting Yourself When Gambling Online

Much as it can be more pleasant to just sweep it to one side and pretend it doesn’t exist, identity theft is very much a thing. And not only is it a thing, but it is the single fastest growing method of carrying out criminal activity in the United Kingdom.

While the Internet has made life exponentially easier in so many ways, it has also made it simpler than ever before for criminals to take what’s yours. When you think about it, the amount of personal data you disclose in the average day online is quite extensive to say the least. Not only this, but every second of every day you are connected, there is a direct link between you and the world’s criminal contingencies.

All they have to do is work out how to exploit this link and bang…you’re in bother!

More often than not, those who carry out identity theft have the intention of either directly stealing money from your accounts, or buying up all manner of things using your credit cards and savings. Sometimes they apply for loans and credit cards in your name, though in others they will commit serious crime in your name and disappear into thin air. And because all this happens silently behind the scenes, you have absolutely no idea that something is wrong until you later find out that something is seriously wrong.

The symptoms of identity theft:
In terms of picking up on the signs and signals that you yourself have been a victim of identity theft, there are a few common examples to be on the lookout for – which include:

Suddenly realising that any given correspondence or bills are not arriving at your home as they should. This could mean that the correspondence address has been changed by criminals.

Credit cards arriving in the post that you did not apply for.

Being refused credit upon application, despite the leaving you have a strong credit record.

Finding out that you have a low credit score, despite not having put a foot wrong.

Unusual calls from lenders chasing debts you know nothing about.

Any unusual or suspicious activity on your statements.

The inability to access your online accounts due to usernames or passwords being changed.

Prevention of identity theft identity-theft-2
The simple fact of the matter is that if you are interested in online casino gaming, it is inevitable that you will have to divulge quite a lot of sensitive personal information. Along with your standard personal data, you’ll also have to share information with regard to your credit cards, bank accounts and so on. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you cannot remain entirely safe while playing at online casinos, ensuring your identity is protected at all times.

So for those looking to be proactive when it comes to the prevention of identity theft, here’s a quick overview of just a few tips from online gaming experts:

First of all, do not under any circumstances share any of the information regarding your online gaming accounts with anyone else. The reason being that regardless of who you tell, they only need to tell one other person who then tells the wrong person for you to find yourself in a world of trouble. Keep this information confidential and to yourself at all times.

Likewise, make sure you do not make the mistake of writing down any of your account access details at any time – even at home. The reason being that there is always the remote possibility that they will be stolen, providing those taking them with immediate access to your accounts. While it may represent a relatively minimal risk and unlikely eventuality, it is still a risk that you can eliminate entirely with simple common sense.

theft-3Do not even consider signing up with any online casino that doesn’t take the strongest stand possible against identity theft and online crime in general. Every reputable and responsible casino currently in business will make it abundantly clear that there is nothing more important to them than the safety, security and protection of its customers. You should look for actual evidence of what it is they do to look after their customers, rather than simple blank statements with regard to security.

Just as is the case with banking and all other accounts across the board, no customer service representative of any responsible casino will ever telephone or e-mail you and request you to confirm your online username and password. In fact, you should never under any circumstances divulge even one shred of your personal information by way of replying to an email requesting such information. One of the most common tactics among fraudsters at all levels is that of tricking members of the public into thinking they work for an online casino or service provider, in order to get their victims to willingly disclose their information.

When gambling online, it is of critical importance that you ensure your Internet connection is 100% safe and secure at all times. This means under no circumstances using public or shared Internet connections, as there is always the chance that one or more people may be monitoring absolutely everything that happens. If this is the case, they can quite literally watch and record every key-press you make, in order to find out all they need to know to access your accounts and cause trouble.

In addition, be extremely careful when gambling online in a public place, even if you are using a private connection. The reason being that you have absolutely no idea who may be looking over your shoulder – even from a long distance with a powerful zoom. It may sound far-fetched, but criminals only need to get lucky and snap your login credentials once to enter your account and cause you a word of problems.

Last but not least, if you have even the slightest shred of doubt with regard to your online safety or suspect that you may have been targeted in any way, it is important that you report the matter to both your account providers and the police immediately. Likewise, if you think there is any way your security may have been compromised and your private information may have fallen into the wrong hands, be sure to immediately change all of your login credentials – something it is advisable to do on a regular basis anyway.

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